SY23 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SY23 1 is a postcode sector in Ceredigion, UK. Below is a complete list of SY23 1 Postcodes (Active). SY23 1 postcode sector comprises of 193 active postcodes. SY23 1 sector has a population of 7200, and it has 2978 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SY23 1 postcode sector

SY23 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7200
Addresses / Property Count 2978
Active Postcodes 193
Nearby Postcode Districts 25
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of SY23 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 193 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SY23 1AB 52.41191100 -4.08442100 N/A N/A 258321 281368
SY23 1AS 52.40906900 -4.08711400 61 126 258129 281057
SY23 1AT 52.40877800 -4.08624700 4 4 258187 281023
SY23 1BA 52.41086800 -4.08488600 2 3 258286 281253
SY23 1BB 52.41046600 -4.08488600 18 34 258285 281208
SY23 1BD 52.41078300 -4.08528300 5 12 258259 281244
SY23 1BE 52.40967300 -4.08499600 19 53 258275 281120
SY23 1BG 52.41026000 -4.08584700 12 13 258219 281187
SY23 1BH 52.40928500 -4.08594400 2 2 258209 281079
SY23 1BJ 52.40782500 -4.08768300 25 47 258086 280920
SY23 1BL 52.40918300 -4.08522300 12 17 258258 281066
SY23 1BN 52.40891200 -4.08529800 8 15 258252 281036
SY23 1BP 52.40900800 -4.08239100 11 29 258450 281041
SY23 1BS 52.40793700 -4.08656100 16 32 258163 280930
SY23 1BT 52.40849700 -4.08436700 33 82 258314 280988
SY23 1BU 52.40620700 -4.08662200 29 72 258153 280738
SY23 1BW 52.40893800 -4.08485800 5 9 258282 281038
SY23 1BX 52.40981800 -4.08388500 22 45 258351 281134
SY23 1BY 52.41031100 -4.08348200 35 81 258380 281188
SY23 1BZ 52.41032600 -4.08349300 42 72 258379 281190
SY23 1DA 52.40853000 -4.08248600 6 17 258442 280988
SY23 1DB 52.40927200 -4.08322700 48 61 258394 281072
SY23 1DD 52.40941700 -4.08213100 21 28 258469 281086
SY23 1DE 52.41466600 -4.08480500 3 5 258304 281675
SY23 1DF 52.40925400 -4.08424100 36 42 258325 281072
SY23 1DL 52.41467100 -4.08554000 16 41 258254 281677
SY23 1DT 52.41420800 -4.08731300 7 18 258132 281629
SY23 1DU 52.41350600 -4.08685300 9 10 258161 281550
SY23 1DW 52.41402300 -4.08659800 36 66 258180 281607
SY23 1DX 52.41346000 -4.08639500 18 25 258192 281544
SY23 1DY 52.41335800 -4.08759600 5 14 258110 281535
SY23 1DZ 52.41275000 -4.08894900 26 78 258016 281470
SY23 1EA 52.41446600 -4.08547200 N/A N/A 258258 281654
SY23 1EB 52.41313200 -4.08511500 8 16 258278 281505
SY23 1ED 52.41456700 -4.07102200 3 6 259241 281637
SY23 1EE 52.41394200 -4.07125700 41 81 259223 281568
SY23 1EF 52.41338900 -4.07104000 N/A N/A 259236 281506
SY23 1EH 52.41577400 -4.07753400 5 20 258802 281784
SY23 1EJ 52.41576800 -4.07687200 26 64 258847 281782
SY23 1EL 52.41573100 -4.07592900 12 24 258911 281776
SY23 1EN 52.41504900 -4.07533800 8 14 258949 281699
SY23 1EP 52.41545400 -4.07225500 13 48 259160 281738
SY23 1EQ 52.41530700 -4.07601200 N/A N/A 258904 281729
SY23 1ER 52.41606800 -4.07159200 1 16 259207 281805
SY23 1ES 52.41570100 -4.07147200 8 27 259214 281764
SY23 1ET 52.41526900 -4.07152500 12 30 259209 281716
SY23 1EU 52.41441600 -4.07297100 28 79 259108 281624
SY23 1EW 52.41529600 -4.07355600 20 60 259071 281723
SY23 1EY 52.41385600 -4.07365000 29 67 259060 281563
SY23 1EZ 52.41340000 -4.07448200 N/A N/A 259002 281514
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